Do Hong Kong Citizenship and Passports Exist?
Do Hong Kong citizenship and passports exist? This is a common question that often arises among Hong Kong residents. Although Hong Kong does not have separate citizenship or nationality, it does have a passport. Hong Kong passports are issued to permanent residents of the territory. Hong Kong residents who wish to travel outside the region should apply for a visa from one of the many countries that recognize the Hong Kong passport.
Hong Kong is part of the People’s Republic of China.
There are many complexities regarding the relationship between Hong Kong and mainland China. They are separated by a century and a half, and the relationship involves economics, trade, laws, and people. Before establishing the Special Administrative Region (SAR), Hong Kong was part of Great Britain. Today, however, Hong Kong is part of the People’s Republic of China, and its relationship with the mainland remains tense.
As a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong has limited autonomy, as defined by its Basic Law. Hong Kong has a unique legal, judicial, proprietary police force, district organizations, and public servants. Hong Kong has a standard law system based on British common law, and it reverts to Chinese customary law for land tenure.
The CCP does not consider Internet news companies’ official media, which are subject to draconian regulations. Reporters are banned from covering sensitive stories and have been punished for it. The Chinese government is increasingly using this method to crack down on online media. For example, Hong Kong-based citizen media magazine New Generation editor Wei Zhili was arrested in March 2019 for «picking quarrels.» His lawyer was not allowed to visit him, and surveillance cameras surrounded his wife’s home.
The CCP’s power has extended well beyond the country’s borders. Its national security law allows PRC authorities to prosecute individuals for actions deemed to violate Chinese law. In the aftermath of Kwok Chun-Fung’s arrest, U.S. professors and educators argued for protective measures against such practices. Some professors proposed that students should have the right to opt-out of problematic discussions in class and post warning labels if they were exposed to sensitive information.
It has a separate immigration policy from the rest of the PRC.
The Immigration Department of Hong Kong issues entry permits to foreign nationals who wish to visit the territory. Those who do not hold a right of abode in Hong Kong will be subject to reassessment upon the expiration of their visas. As such, it is essential to note that Hong Kong’s immigration policy differs from that of the rest of the PRC.
The government of the PRC has separated Hong Kong’s immigration policy from that of the rest of the country. Mainland citizens can travel to Hong Kong without a visa if they reside in Macau. Chinese citizens seeking to enter the territory must obtain an EEP, which must have an appropriate exit endorsement from the Ministry of Public Security of China. However, this separate policy does not apply to Macau residents.
In June 2021, the Hong Kong government shut down the local daily newspaper Apple Daily and arrested the senior editor. Hong Kong authorities also maintained a «watchlist» of Chinese citizens seeking to enter the territory. As a result, the immigration bill was amended in August 2021. This decision was criticized by the refugee advocacy community, the legal sector, and the refugee community.
The Chinese government has taken a pragmatic approach toward immigration policy over the past several decades. It has changed leaders’ aspirations and developed its state capacity. In 2012, the Exit-Entry Administration Law incorporated sections on immigration control, national security, and irregular migration but did not address migrant rights and integration. Nonetheless, Chinese public opinion is changing, and immigration is becoming a more diverse issue.
It has a COVID-19 test.
Travelers must possess a valid COVID-19 (nucleic acid) test and a COVID-19 vaccination record to enter Hong Kong. Travelers should take a COVID-19 test within 48 hours of boarding the plane. If the test is negative, they can leave Hong Kong and proceed to the next step. To obtain a COVID-19 test, travelers should complete an online form, which will provide them with a Q.R. code. This code is valid for 48 hours or 24 hours.

If you do not meet these requirements, you may be restricted from entering the city. If you are a Hong Kong resident, you can visit the region for up to 6 months without a visa. For foreign visitors, COVID-19 testing is required for citizens and passport holders. Visitors from other countries must complete a facility-based quarantine if they are not vaccinated.
COVID-19 testing is required for those traveling to Hong Kong from mainland China. Those entering Hong Kong must undergo a COVID-19 test within three days or before scheduled arrival. The sample must be a COVID-19 PCR-based nucleic acid test that shows negative results. Upon arrival, the traveler must show a COVID-19 testing certificate from a certified laboratory. The testing laboratory must meet COVID-19 standards and be located in Guangdong Province.
Travelers who enter the city via the Fast Lane must produce a COVID-19 test result within three days of boarding. Otherwise, they may be quarantined at home or in a hotel. In these cases, it may take up to 24 hours to receive the COVID-19 test results. After the testing period, they may proceed to the medical institution they were visiting for treatment.
It is visa-free in many developed countries.
A Hong Kong passport and citizenship are visa-free in 155 countries and territories. In addition, citizens can enter 54 countries partially recognized by the Hong Kong government. For example, citizens of the Benin Republic are granted a visa on arrival for 14 days. They must present an international vaccination certificate. Other countries with visa-free access for Hong Kong passport holders include Botswana, the capital of which is called Lusaka, and Burkina Faso, formerly Upper Volta.
The Hong Kong passport ranks 18th in visa-free destinations, and Hong Kong citizens can travel to 171 countries without a visa. Travelers holding Hong Kong passports can also enter countries without a permit by obtaining an eTA or a visa on arrival. While these advantages make Hong Kong citizenship and passports visa-free, it’s important to remember that there are still many travel requirements.
The most popular travel destination for HKSAR passport holders in China. Although citizens of Hong Kong cannot hold PRC passports, they can obtain a Mainland Travel Permit, also known as a home return permit, which allows them to stay in the country indefinitely. However, getting a Mainland Travel Permit is not a given for Chinese citizens of Hong Kong. This permit is issued at the discretion of the Bureau of Exit and Entry Administration (BEAA) and the Ministry of Public Security of China.
Mainland China and Hong Kong passport holders are visa-free in most developed countries. However, some countries may require proof of travel health insurance. Hong Kong passport holders will need a Mainland Travel Permit to enter China. Mainland Travel Permits are only valid for short visits and tourist purposes. Mainland Passports and Citizenships Are Visa-Free in Many Developed Countries
It is available to Taiwanese nationals.
The desire to become a Taiwanese citizen has been a driving force behind the recent protests against a proposed free trade deal with mainland China. At the same time, a lack of clarity at the immigration bureau has been a problem. Many Hongkongers believe that being born in China does not provide them the security they need to live in a free society. As a result, a dual nationality reform is likely to improve the situation.
Foreign nationals who invest in Taiwan will find that they don’t have to meet the physical residency requirement. They can, however, keep their investment activities in the country. After five years of tax domicile, they can apply for Taiwanese citizenship. This process is easy and quick. After this, they must pass a Chinese Mandarin examination and have a net worth of at least $180,000. After that, they will need to renew their residency every two years.
People who live in Taiwan can also apply for a Taiwan passport once they have reached permanent resident status abroad. But they must wait at least five years before obtaining citizenship. This is a significant inconvenience and means that they will not be able to vote in Taiwanese elections. Moreover, they are restricted from other benefits available to other citizens. Furthermore, they are not allowed to avail of senior discounts or online birthday cake orders.

To obtain a Hong Kong passport, Taiwanese citizens living in Taiwan can complete a pre-arrival application through the One-Stop Portal of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. Their pre-arrival application is valid for two months with double entries. Applicants can stay longer in the country but must hold a valid visa issued by the Immigration Department of the Government of Hong Kong SAR. The form is free to complete and only takes a few minutes.
You might be wondering: What is your nationality if you are a Hong Kong resident? There are several answers to this question, such as British, Greater Chinese, or Indian. You are most likely a British national if you were born in Hong Kong. Mainland Chinese or Greater Chinese citizens have different rights but share the same primary nationalities. So, if you are a Hong Kong resident, you can ask yourself the following question:
Mainland Chinese
If you have studied at a university in Hong Kong, you can apply for a work visa to Mainland China under the General Employment Policy. However, you need to have a confirmed offer of employment and be from a country that does not have a quota for skilled migrants. In addition, you need to have a positive record of good conduct and not pose a security risk. If you have worked in Hong Kong before, you may also be eligible for a GEP if you have lived in Hong Kong for at least one year.
The process of applying for new citizenship is simple, but there are some steps you should follow before starting. First, you need to find a form for naturalization, which you can obtain from the Immigration Department website. Then, you must pay an initial fee of HK$1,730 and provide proof of revocation of your current citizenship. You will need a Certificate of Naturalisation and an amended identity card if you wish to change your citizenship.
Mainland Chinese nationality can be obtained from two significant sources of information. Hong Kong is culturally distinct from mainland China. While most people from Hong Kong identify as Chinese, they do not consider themselves part of mainland China. Both the language and culture are different, but the locals are primarily Chinese. The Hong Kong economy is free-market-oriented and has a lower tax rate than mainland China. Meanwhile, mainland China’s stock market is more conservative.
You can apply for dual citizenship with the Immigration Department in Hong Kong if you are of Chinese descent. If you are a dual national, you must ensure that you have an Australian passport before traveling to the mainland. The local authorities may refuse to offer you consular assistance without an Australian visa. Additionally, if you are a dual national, you must be vaccinated and quarantined for seven days in a designated quarantine hotel.
Greater Chinese
Are you wondering how to change your nationality to Greater China? You must understand the rules surrounding this process and the implications. If you are a Chinese national with Hong Kong citizenship, you must take some critical steps. First, you must declare your intent to change your nationality. If approved, you must renounce your original nationality and passport. You may wish to consider applying for naturalization if you want to remain in Hong Kong.
The answer depends on the passports your parents hold. Mainland China has stricter nationality laws, and wealthy individuals can secretly hold the key to a different country. The U.K. began offering extended visas to British National (Overseas) passport holders in January, including Hongkongers born before the 1997 handover. However, Beijing no longer recognized British National (Overseas) passports.
However, there is a way to acquire Chinese citizenship without being of Chinese descent. Getting citizenship without being of Chinese descent is possible if you are linked to China. The CNL has three routes for non-Chinese to acquire Chinese nationality. Relevant circumstances include owning property in China, marrying a Chinese national, and speaking Chinese. The rules are different for different types of citizenship.
The policies of Beijing have alienated many Hong Kongers. While mainlanders have brought prosperity and development to Hong Kong, their immigration and economic interests have dominated the city’s social and political landscape. Hong Kongers began to view mainland Chinese people as inferior and looked down on ordinary Chinese. However, mainlanders took many of these coveted resources and continued to impose their will on Hong Kong. You can still change your nationality, but you must remain vigilant.

If you are from Hong Kong, you can apply for British nationality if you are over 18. In most cases, you will be allowed to work, study, and use public services in the U.K. However, you will not be eligible to receive taxpayer-funded benefits or be considered a home student for tuition fees. It is unclear how many Hong Kong residents will choose to take this opportunity.
If you are a Hong Kong resident, you can apply for British nationality under the new law. The Hong Kong government granted citizenship to people in its territories between January 1983 and June 1997. If you are born in Hong Kong, however, you can apply for citizenship in a British colony under the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914. It is important to remember that acquiring British nationality through naturalization is not automatic.
To qualify for British nationality, you must have a British mother. It would help if you were born between 8 February 1961 and 31 December 1982. Alternatively, you can apply for naturalization if you are a permanent resident. This process gives you transmissible British citizenship. You should check with the immigration department to find out how to apply for British citizenship. So, what are the requirements for obtaining British nationality if you are from Hong Kong?
The British government has made it easier for Hong Kong residents to live in the U.K. By introducing a visa system, the U.K. government is giving Hong Kong residents a better opportunity to work and live in the U.K. It also provides a pathway to British citizenship. In 1985, Hong Kong residents were given the British National Overseas (BNO) status. This status allows them to maintain their connection to the U.K. even after the handover. The BNO status is only valid for one person and cannot be passed on to a spouse or child.
Are you an Indian citizen and want to visit Hong Kong? You can now do so via the Internet! Hong Kong visa for Indians is valid for up to 14 days. To apply for a visa for Hong Kong, you must enter the exact details you have on your passport. Transiting through Hong Kong on a plane or within the airport transit zone is not required to apply for a visa.
While there are a few Indian permanent residents of Hong Kong, most do not have the right to become citizens of China. You must be a Hong Kong permanent resident and have Chinese relatives or other legitimate reasons to apply for naturalization. Once you become a Chinese citizen, you must give up your other foreign citizenship, including your Indian one. This is not easy, but it can be done. As a Hong Kong permanent resident, you can also apply for the naturalization of Chinese citizenship.
You can apply for a BNO passport as an ethnic Indian, but you cannot apply for dual citizenship with a BNO passport. This is because you are not an ethnic Chinese. It is also not possible to hold dual citizenship in Hong Kong. The British government has made it clear that ethnic Indians who hold BNO passports cannot obtain British citizenship. For this reason, if you are an Indian national, you cannot apply for dual citizenship in Hong Kong.
You must first apply for a PAR. The PAR is linked to the traveler’s passport. Hence, if you want to travel to other countries with your HKSAR passport, you must apply for naturalization as a Chinese citizen. The British government does not recognize dual nationality. You must first apply for a Chinese visa to get an HKSAR passport. This will ensure that you can travel freely within Hong Kong.
You might be able to get an Australian passport if you were born and raised in Hong Kong. But if you are not a citizen of Australia, you may not have a right to apply for citizenship in Australia. However, if you are British and born in Hong Kong, you may be able to get an Australian passport. If you are from Hong Kong, you should also be careful if you want to become a dual national. You may have to go through a lot of hassle to get your passport approved.
The British government has issued updated travel advice for dual nationality holders. People with dual nationality are not eligible for consular assistance if they are in danger in mainland China. Furthermore, the Chinese government does not recognize dual nationality. This means that you will not be able to get help from consulates in China if you are caught in a foreign country. It is better to choose one country as your main nationality if you are from Hong Kong, as this will ensure you get the help you need if you are in danger.
Visitors of certain nationalities are allowed to travel to Hong Kong without a visa. Most of these nationalities are entitled to stay in Hong Kong for a specified period, while others must obtain a permit to stay in the city. While visiting Hong Kong is relatively easy, visitors should consider all the details before planning a trip to the island. It is important to remember that there are several immigration checkpoints between mainland China and Hong Kong.