How Can a Hong Kong Citizen Apply For UK Citizenship?
When a Hong Kong citizen has a BNO passport, it might be tempting to consider moving to the U.K. But, they’d lose their ‘right of abode in the U.K. and their right to vote. How can they achieve this? Read on for the answer. We interviewed Adrian Leung, who moved to Durham, U.K., in June 2021. He successfully applied for a BNO passport and received citizenship on the same day.
Hong Kong citizens with B.N. (O) passports are considering moving to Britain.
The U.K. offers a new visa to Hong Kong residents with B.N. (O) passports, including close family members. The Government estimates that 5.4 million Hong Kong citizens will qualify for this program. Earlier, BNOs could only move to the U.K. on a tourist visa, and it was only after their visa expired that they could apply for British citizenship. The Government of the U.K. has a detailed explanation of the BNO passport and the special rights it grants.
The announcement was a significant development. It sends a clear message to Hong Kongers and shows that the U.K. is an open and welcoming country for Hong Kong nationals. This is a significant change from previous memoranda between the U.K. and China. The latter had stated that they would not confer a right of abode on Chinese citizens who possessed Hong Kong passports.
In a speech in the city of Hong Kong in March 1996, British Prime Minister John Major cited his country’s ongoing responsibility to the people of Hong Kong as the reason for the B.N. (O) scheme. But he was worried about the scale of migration and the impact on the country’s economy. Jonathan Dimbleby’s book «The Last Governor» also contributed to his concern.
They are not entitled to ‘right of abode in the U.K.
If you’re wondering whether Hong Kong citizens have a right to live in the U.K., you’re not alone. The Windrush Lessons Learned Review has concluded that citizens of «old» Commonwealth countries are more likely to meet the requirements. However, there are several other ways to qualify for this right. Read on to learn more about the criteria and how to apply for them.
After the Windrush scandal broke, the U.K. government’s decision to make the BDTCs BN(O)s — without ‘right of abode’ — is even more suspicious. The U.K. government’s position on this issue is unclear, and a recent memorandum has only confirmed that. Nevertheless, it’s still unclear how many B.N. (O) passport holders the British Government will accept.
However, a British visa offer did bring back the birthright to Hong Kong citizens who’d long been denied the chance to study and work in the U.K. These residence permits — known as leave to enter — can be issued by Hong Kong consulates without charge, though other consulates may charge a small fee for them. As a bonus, British nationals (Overseas) are exempt from local police registration requirements, and their ‘right of abode’ is permanent.
Although the U.K. government has never sought to confer a right of abode in the U.K. on Hong Kong BNOs, it has the power to do so. The Immigration Act 1971 grants the right to U.K. citizens and certain Commonwealth Citizens the right to live in the U.K. automatically. If the ownership of the abode is granted, the holder can live and work anywhere in the United Kingdom.
They would lose their right to vote.
Hong Kong citizens would lose their right to vote and use the NHS if they applied for U.K. citizenship. Critics argue that this move would be a step backward and effectively undermine the principle of ‘one country, two systems. But Beijing has dismissed the claims and said the U.K. could still welcome Hong Kong immigrants. A referendum on the issue is due in 2017.
The influx of Hong Kong residents is expected to increase as the Chinese Communist Party tightens its grip on the Asian financial hub. Protests against the legislation turned violent after the Hong Kong government proposed legislation allowing for the extradition of Hong Kong citizens to the mainland. In response, the parliament of mainland China passed a national security law, which has been used to suppress dissent in the country. This included Jimmy Lai, the editor of the dissenting Apple Daily newspaper and a vocal critic of the Communist Party. Nevertheless, the Hong Kong government remained committed to giving its citizens a chance to live in the U.K.

But despite the international uproar, the U.K. government has not yet signaled its reaction to the latest breach of the Joint Declaration. Earlier this year, foreign ministers from the G7 nations issued a joint statement calling for the Government to take a tougher line on the issue. Dominic Raab, the U.K. foreign secretary, said the Chinese Government had breached its promise to Hong Kong and violated freedom of speech and assembly in Hong Kong. While Labour agreed to the change, it said Hong Kong citizens would lose their rights to vote as soon as they applied for U.K. citizenship.
They are eligible to apply for a BNO passport.
Around 350,000 people in Hong Kong have a BNO, a colonial-era passport. It has become the latest battleground between the United Kingdom and China. Approximately 5.4 million Hong Kong residents are eligible to apply for British citizenship. However, the process is not without hiccups. One Hong Kong citizen who applied for British citizenship received a letter from the Government saying that the process went smoothly and the British authorities approved him.
Hong Kong citizens must be British National (Overseas) or British Dependent Territory citizens to apply for U.K. citizenship. B.N. (O) citizenship grants the right to abode and lives in the U.K. However, it is essential to note that the British Government has made it clear that citizens of British Dependent Territories cannot apply for U.K. citizenship unless they applied before the end of 1997.
A BN(O) passport holder can work in the U.K. with the right qualifications. The BNO visa is valid for five years and allows Hong Kong citizens to bring their immediate dependants. If they are not employed, they can search for jobs in the U.K. Applications can be made from inside the U.K. or outside the country. Applicants must be 18 years old, hold a British national overseas status, and be ordinarily resident in the U.K. or the Channel Islands.
They must declare if they hold British nationality.
When applying for U.K. citizenship, individuals must declare their nationality and meet other requirements to be a citizen. To apply for U.K. citizenship, individuals must have a British passport or be a commonwealth citizen. Those who already hold British nationality must also declare their status. They must submit supporting documents to prove their status. In most cases, these documents include identification and proof of residence or settled status in the U.K. Dual nationality is permissible, provided that the original country of nationality allows it. However, this does not mean that U.K. nationals can hold dual nationality.
Individuals born outside the U.K. must declare their nationality if they have no other country. Those born in other countries, such as Ireland, must say whether they hold British nationality. The British Nationality Act 1981 gives British citizens the right to register as British. Previously, those born outside the U.K. were automatically British subjects, but this changed with time. In this way, people born overseas could register as British citizens within 12 months of their birth.
Foreigners can acquire British citizenship if they have lived there for five years or more. Those born after 1 January 1983 must have lived in the country for at least a year. However, if they are over 18 and have lived in the country for more than five years, they may also apply for U.K. citizenship. Naturalization is a complex process and will cost them money. If rejected, they will lose their application fee. Moreover, they have no right to appeal once they are refused.
They must renounce their British nationality before the age of 21
To apply for U.K. citizenship, Hong Kong citizens must renounce their British nationalism before age 21. Previously, the law said that people born in Hong Kong who failed to renounce their British nationality before they turned 21 were Nepalese citizens. But under the new law, certain people born in Hong Kong before 30 June 1976 can register for British citizenship.
The British Government has been clarifying that Hong Kong citizens must renounce their British nationalism before age 21 to be eligible to apply for U.K. citizenship. The Borders, Citizenship, and Immigration Act 2009 makes it easier for people to apply for British citizenship. The legislation states that a person must be 18 years old and of «sound mind» to be eligible.
Under the Immigration Act 1971, people born in Hong Kong cannot automatically pass on their British nationality to their children if they were born in a country outside the U.K. or one of its dependent territories. The Joint Declaration between the British Government and the Chinese Government signed on 19 December 1984, set the territory’s future. The environment took on full sovereignty on 1 July 1997.

People born in a British Overseas Territory (BOTC) automatically acquire British nationality. They do not need a British parent to achieve this status but must also attend a citizenship ceremony if they receive it after 21 May 2002. New applicants must attend a citizenship ceremony to take an oath of allegiance to the Queen. The citizenship ceremony includes an oath of loyalty to the Queen and a Pledge to the territory where they apply.
Most of the low-income residents in Hong Kong are housed in these units, but there are exceptions to this rule, such as Serviced apartments. If you are looking to buy or rent an apartment in Hong Kong, here are some tips to make the right decision. Among other things, check the T.V. options and Minimum rent. After all, you want to live in a comfortable, private space.
Serviced apartments are the exception.
While most Hong Kong residents live in apartments, serviced apartments are the exception to this rule. These are fully furnished units, often with a maid service provided daily, except on holidays. These services are not provided by the landlord and often involve paying separate fees to each provider. The lease term usually ranges from one month to two years, though most developments require a minimum stay of three months.
While serviced apartments are becoming popular in Hong Kong, the Government has not yet passed a special ordinance regulating them. They fall under the Hotel Industry Regulation, which governs hotel living and related purposes. Although these complexes do not fall under the definition of «hotel,» they are a viable accommodation option for many Hong Kong residents. The Government has made this option an exception to the rule, but it has yet to clarify the exact definition of «hotel.»
Most serviced apartments in Hong Kong are smaller than other apartment types. They also have communal facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, tennis courts, and squash courts. The rental price of these apartments usually includes all utilities, but tenants can opt to pay more if they prefer a kitchen or living room. They will also usually have air conditioning and heating systems, which are essential in Hong Kong.
Low-income residents tend to live in them.
The high housing cost of Hong Kong has pushed most residents into high-density communities and sub-optimal apartments. The lack of affordable housing has made improving living conditions difficult for low-income groups, often confined to public rental housing. The Government provides housing for low-income groups after a rigorous application process and long waiting list. Despite the difficulties, low-income residents make the best of their conditions with the help of various government-sponsored programs.
The high concentration of public housing estates contributes to the wealth disparity. The number of public housing units per population in Hong Kong has increased dramatically over the last century, with the proportion of low-income households growing significantly. In addition to the new town development program, the Government’s public housing program is a critical policy for tackling the increasing housing need of the lower-income population.
The number of low-income residential neighborhoods in Hong Kong is a significant factor in housing affordability. In addition to low-income communities, many of these areas are middle-class residential. Some of these districts are even regarded as low-income residential neighborhoods because they are dominated by public housing. Despite the high concentration of low-income housing, the number of middle and bottom-SES areas is significantly higher than that of the top-SES working population.
Minimum rent
The property market in Hong Kong is notorious for sky-high prices, with apartments resembling parking spaces. Over the last decade, home prices have doubled. However, the number of owner-occupied homes is expected to decline to 51.5 percent by 2021. This makes it challenging to find affordable apartments for rent. However, with a little effort, you can find a comfortable home on a tight budget.
Upon moving in, tenants must pay a one to three-month deposit and submit their lease to the Inland Revenue Department. They should also arrange for utility services and contact suppliers beforehand. Usually, the previous tenant has transferred utilities to the new tenant. Be sure to have your utility meters read before you move in. If you’re renting an apartment, be sure to check your lease contract to ensure that there are no hidden fees.

Prices for rental apartments in Hong Kong vary depending on the size of the apartment, location, and attached amenities. A small one-bedroom apartment with basic amenities can be rented for HK$1,635 per month, while a larger apartment with more amenities can cost around HK$20,000-$30,000 per month. It’s essential to understand that the minimum rent in Hong Kong is far below the actual cost of owning a home.
TV options
There are many T.V. options for Hong Kong residents. There are PCCW’s Now T.V. and I-Cable’s Cable T.V., each of which offers a variety of pay channels. The channels you choose can cost anywhere from $12 to HK$55 per month. Other options include Youku and PPTV. Each offers a variety of media — from news to movies. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive service, YuppTV may be a better fit.
The only public broadcaster in Hong Kong is Radio Television Hong Kong. Residents can access live broadcasts on the website of station. Complaints about broadcasting quality can be filed with the Communications Authority. You will be charged a monthly fee, which is far lower than the cost of a television license. Many other T.V. channels are free to view, so it’s worth checking out what you have to choose from.
In addition to cable TV, Hong Kong residents can also view foreign channels on personal computers. Cable T.V. companies also offer Internet packages. Some require a Hong Kong ID card and passport to subscribe to these services. Most land-line companies also provide Internet packages. If you live in Hong Kong, you should check with your cable provider to see if they offer them. While free T.V. options may not satisfy your needs, you can always use them to access the Internet.
Public housing
Public housing in Hong Kong is a set of mass-housing programs which provide affordable housing to the city’s lower-income residents. It is a large part of housing in Hong Kong, with nearly half of the population living in some form of public housing. Its benefits range from low rents to free utilities. Here are some facts you should know about public housing in Hong Kong:
Privatization began to improve living conditions for those in public housing. Since then, the focus of privatization has shifted to the more efficient allocation of public housing resources. The Government has also introduced a home-ownership scheme for tenants in both public and private rental housing. It aims to provide low-cost housing in conjunction with private investment. But the policy is not without fault. Its underlying principles are not necessarily good for the housing market.
The most common form of public housing in Hong Kong is individual flats and high-density multi-story apartments. The demand for public housing is so high that construction has not yet returned to pre-crisis levels. In September 2015, government-owned housing agencies and the nonprofit Housing Society received almost 105,000 applications for public rental housing flats, 141 times the supply. Thousands of people are on waitlists.
Substandard housing
More than 200,000 people in Hong Kong live in subdivided, tiny housing spaces. These subdivided flats often resemble coffin boxes. Lower quality subdivided housing is usually made of wood planks and wire mesh. A windowless cage with just 62 square feet of living space can cost $180 per month, and the average person lives in a subdivided flat for eight years.
In Hong Kong, the vast majority of residential units are substandard. Despite the high cost of air conditioning, many units cannot meet the necessary energy requirements. Sub-divided units (SDUs) are the most significant culprit among the residential units surveyed. The study examined eight sub-divided units in the New Territories. The average CO2 concentration in these units was 1012 mg/m3 in homes with natural ventilation versus 410 mg/m3 in unventilated buildings. Moreover, the survey also determined the size of the envelopes, including the length of visible cracks and gaps. Most of these SDUs were small, averaging 86 m2 in high-rise buildings and only 41 m2 in low-rise units.
Identifying suitable sites for public housing estates is also an ongoing challenge. The Chief Executive has acknowledged this shortage in his 2020 Policy Address. Despite this, the Government has identified enough land for at least 316,000 new public housing units. However, the supply will come from far-flung areas such as Tung Chung, Kwu Tung North/Fanling North, and Ha Tsuen, which are a few hours away from the urban centers.