Should Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong Have the Right to Vote?
Many people wonder whether the Basic Law has given foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong the right to vote. After all, they are employees of Hong Kong businesses and are eligible to apply for permanent residency. However, they cannot vote in elections. In addition, they do not qualify for welfare benefits. Former businesswoman Evangeline Vallejos, who came to Hong Kong from the Philippines as a maid in 1986, says the Basic Law has prevented foreign domestic workers from voting in the local government.
Foreign domestic workers
The social isolation of foreign domestic workers has been exacerbated by precarious economic conditions and long-term institutional exclusion. In a recent survey, ethnic Chinese respondents ranked the perceived acceptance of minority groups as the lowest of all. African, South Asian, and Southeast Asian groups fared worse. The government is reluctant to relax immigration restrictions to accommodate more foreign domestic workers.
The government has been accused of discriminating against domestic workers who cannot apply for permanent residency in Hong Kong. This means that they have little power to pressure politicians into taking action to improve their living conditions. While many of these workers support demonstrations demanding that they have the right to vote, their lack of civic participation limits their ability to influence government policy. This situation has spurred a coalition of domestic workers to organize a response strategy.
The recent levy against domestic workers in Hong Kong should not surprise. Earlier that year, the government also reduced the minimum wage for foreign domestic helpers. Lawyers for the government called the two events an «unfortunate coincidence.» However, the levy was expected to generate 150 million HK$ per year. Therefore, the government should give foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong the right to vote.
The issue of abuse of domestic workers is not unique to Hong Kong. Abuse of domestic workers is widespread in other countries with significant numbers of foreign domestic workers. Countries such as Singapore and the Gulf Cooperation Council have large populations of foreign domestic workers. Although advocacy groups and government officials frequently criticize Hong Kong’s domestic worker policies, the government maintains that its regulations provide adequate worker protection. If these issues are not addressed, the government should consider implementing a new immigration policy to ensure the safety of all domestic workers.
A recent decision in a court case against the government’s decision to deny permanent residency to foreign domestic workers was welcomed by the International Labor Organization. This ruling gives them access to social programs and the right to vote. However, the Hong Kong government may appeal the decision, limiting the number of years foreign domestic workers can stay in the city. Those who have already passed the seven-year threshold are not affected.
Their rights as employees
The discriminatory nature of Hong Kong’s immigration laws has made it harder for domestic workers to claim better representation and protection. One example is the case of Indonesian helper Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, who was severely beaten with household objects and a broom. She was left bruised from head to toe. The incident prompted public outrage and a call for action from H.K. Helpers. But lawmakers have failed to do anything about it, despite the widespread criticism of domestic workers.
The ruling reflects a growing trend in Hong Kong. Previously, the Chinese government denied helpers the right to vote. Hong Kong’s government, however, argued that the laws were discriminatory because foreign domestic helpers are considered «illegal immigrants.» The government claimed that domestic workers’ employment rights were merely limited to two weeks after their termination. After this period, the foreign helper would have to leave the country. The Hong Kong government sought advice from the Chinese government, but Beijing refused. The government instead interpreted the Basic Law, reading through it before deciding. This legal interpretation could have been problematic if domestic helpers in the courts had challenged it.

Another example of discrimination is domestic helpers’ lack of access to social security and pension benefits. Hong Kong has no minimum wage standards or cap on how many hours a domestic worker can work each week. An average workweek in Hong Kong in 2015 was 50.1 hours, according to a report from UBS Wealth Management. Even if the government implements a minimum wage for domestic workers, the number of elderly domestic workers is likely to rise dramatically.
There are several ways domestic helpers can protect themselves. The H.K. Helpers Campaign engages in lobbying and public awareness campaigns to advocate for better working conditions. The organization’s main advocacy goals are scrapping the two-week rule, reducing the number of hours a domestic worker can work, and ending illegal agency fees. This campaign is crucial for Hong Kong’s domestic helpers, but it is not without its drawbacks.
Their ability to apply for permanent residency in Hong Kong
A spokesperson for the Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body said the ruling gives the judicial seal to the unfair treatment of foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. Under the legislation, foreign workers employed in Hong Kong can apply for permanent residency after seven years of employment. They would count 500,000 new residents if they had a spouse and two children. While many workers in the city do not wish to live in the country permanently, those who do would be granted permanent residency.
Once you have acquired your permanent residency, you can vote and use public services. Permanent residents can also tap into benefits reserved for citizens of Hong Kong. If you’re unsure whether you can apply, contact a Hong Kong immigration lawyer or legal assistance agency. Legal assistance is highly recommended. However, the benefits of permanent residency are worth the effort. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what is best for you.
Hong Kong law recognizes the right to vote in any country. In addition to voting, domestic helpers in Hong Kong have the right to vote in elections. In addition, they have the right to stand for elections by the law. Furthermore, their right to work is protected. If you’re looking for a job in Hong Kong, you should look into finding a company that allows domestic workers to work in the city.
Permanent residency is the closest thing to citizenship for foreigners in Hong Kong. It gives the permanent residency holder the right to vote and work without worrying about a visa. However, if you’re an oversea entrepreneur, you don’t have to become a Chinese citizen to work in Hong Kong. However, there’s one catch: it’s a costly and complicated process. You must live in the city for seven years before applying for citizenship.
Public servants who work for the government must hold a permanent identity card issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This rule also applies to foreign nationals who work for government agencies without a permanent residence. Their employment is limited to specific government posts. They must be committed to their jobs and responsible towards the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. They may even be entitled to vote if they are a member of the Government of Hong Kong.
Their lack of voting rights
In response to the High Court’s decision, the Hong Kong government has appealed the ruling, which restricted their rights to a settlement in Hong Kong. The government says that if they were allowed to settle in Hong Kong, 125,000 domestic helpers would qualify for abode, meaning that 500,000 new residents could be created. The government argues that this is discriminatory and would discourage many foreign domestic helpers who would otherwise have come to Hong Kong to live and work.

Protests are a way for oppressed groups to make their voices heard and bring about change. This collective resistance is a form of collective precarity and the persistence of achieving equality. A spokesperson for the Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body said that the ruling would give judicial seal to the unfair treatment of domestic helpers in Hong Kong. While the protests are largely peaceful, they are disruptive to the lives of Hong Kong residents.
The FDHs’ defeat in the court has been strategically strategic and shed light on the need for political inclusion for domestic helpers. The unmet demand of the excluded has led Hong Kongers to question themselves and their approach to Other people. It has also raised questions about whether they should be seen as citizens and how they should be treated. But ultimately, the FDHs’ struggle is about making Hong Kong a better place to live.
While domestic workers in Hong Kong do not have the right to vote, they do have the right to hold elections. However, they do not have the right to become permanent residents of Hong Kong, even though they are considered domestic helpers. Because they do not have voting rights, they can’t push politicians to do anything about their plight. A group called H.K. Helpers has been advocating for domestic workers’ rights since its inception.
The government said the levy and the cut in the minimum wage were not related. But lawyers for the government argued that the two moves were coincidental. This levy was intended to generate 150 million HK$ in annual government coffers, but in reality, it has made it difficult for helpers to exercise their right to vote. The government is trying to rectify this situation.
Is it possible to have dual Hong Kong and U.S. citizenship, but can it be done? This article discusses two ways to achieve this: investing or renouncing your nationality in your country of origin. This way, you can enjoy both the benefits of dual citizenship and that of your home country. Read on to learn more. If you are an American citizen, you can apply for dual Hong Kong and U.S. citizenship using the same process.
In the wake of the 1997 handover of Hong Kong, Beijing has tightened the rules for dual citizenship. Formerly, it was possible to hold two citizenships in the same country, but dual citizenship is now illegal. The Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China replaces the former National Security Law. Because the Nationality Law is broad in scope, dual citizenship is now not allowed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. If you are concerned about losing your Hong Kong citizenship, consider whether you need to stay in Hong Kong.
Although China is not currently enforcing these restrictions, dual nationality is not recognized by Hong Kong. This means that dual nationality does not give you the benefit of consular protection or other privileges of dual citizenship. In addition, if you’re a dual Hong Kong and U.S. citizen, the authorities will likely treat you as Chinese. The British government has updated its website and provided examples of cases where dual citizenship has been recognized in Hong Kong.
To obtain consular access and consular protection in the U.S., you must renounce your Chinese nationality. The Hong Kong Immigration Department will help you with this process by granting you U.S. citizenship. Moreover, you’ll be required to apply for a declaration of change of nationality. However, you will lose your Chinese race if you fail to declare your U.S. citizenship. In addition, you may jeopardize the guarantee of consular protection.

In addition to denying consular access to people with dual nationality, dual citizens may also be subject to deportation. Nonetheless, this has happened rarely in recent years, and only a few individuals were in custody. A US official, speaking anonymously, said they were aware of more cases of dual nationality in Hong Kong than in Canada. The new rules will not apply to Canadian citizens.
By investment
If you want dual Hong Kong and U.S. citizenship, you need to make the necessary investment. First, you should be a U.S. citizen of Chinese descent. Next, you must apply for a nationality change in the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Once you use it, you must prove you are a U.S. citizen. If you do not prove that you are, you will lose your Chinese nationality, but not necessarily your right of abode. If you don’t do this, you might jeopardize the guarantee of consular protection.
To qualify for a green card, you need to invest an amount equivalent to the cost of establishing a business in the U.S. You can apply for this visa for up to 10 years and then renew it every three years. After you have acquired a green card, you can bring your whole family to the United States. This includes your spouse and children under the age of 21. Other family members can also come with you through the family reunification program.
Confident high net-worth investors can qualify for a green card through a citizenship program that promotes economic growth. Under the USCIS EB-5 program, investors can invest in the U.S. economy and receive a green card. Entrepreneurs must plan to create at least ten jobs. Although the United States does not advocate dual citizenship, some countries strictly prohibit it. You should first know the laws of your host country.
Many programs offer citizenship by investment. You must be 18 years old and have a clean criminal record to apply. You will also have to invest in government-approved programs. These programs will require an extensive background check. Additional fees may also be necessary. You can sometimes get citizenship by investment without paying an application fee. The acquisition is not required to be substantial, and you can be a U.S. citizen by investing in an approved program.
Dual citizenship can also open up opportunities in your new country. If you are a U.S. citizen, you can vote in U.S. elections, run for office in your new country, and take advantage of increased employment opportunities. You can also buy property in both countries. Generally, you can own property in both countries, although some restrict property ownership to citizens only. Dual citizenship may be proper if you are interested in long-term retirement plans or a diversified investment portfolio.
By renunciation of citizenship in your country of origin
Renunciation is a legal process whereby you give up your U.S. citizenship. You can do so in two ways: by contacting the U.S. Embassy in your country of origin or by writing to the U.S. Consulate in your country of residence. The latter option is recommended, as it involves talking to an actual government representative. Once you answer your question, you can complete the procedure.
Some immigrants may be reluctant to give up their citizenship in their home country, making the naturalization process difficult. However, citizens must renounce their previous nationality under U.S. law if they wish to become U.S. citizens. However, dual citizenship may exist, depending on the laws of the citizen’s country of origin. Therefore, the best way to determine whether you are eligible for dual citizenship is to contact the embassy of your country of origin.